
Sunday, May 28, 2017

open studio 2017

ok .. a little late getting this post up, but we will be here til 5 today ... 
stop in if you are in the dorset area .. looks like this today ..
all cleaned up!

looked like this yesterday

                                            25th anniversary year for vermont open studio

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

get a circus

so, i'm not much on mixing politics and business, 
but this is a little more like mixing art and business .. 
kit and i were watching the news of the comey firing tonight, and i reached into my 
pocket to show her the new beriah wall token our mutual friend pete brought
me from red hook yesterday.  the sentiment is perfect.  
beriah has been making and handing out free these tokens for a long time,
and his art has been featured in the new york times.
recently he paired up with the well known graffiti group smart crew collective.
there is a description of that collaboration and a brief history of beriah's
token distribution, worldwide since 1977, at this link ... 
we've got a little token stash, accumulated and passed on throughout the years .. 
as well as some pottery beriah made in the early 70s that
 we have been using for almost 46 years now.
beriah's pot shop was our neighbor in our first apartment
together in manchester in  1971 ..

beriah also has a show of his paintings opening next Saturday, 
May 13, Peninsula Art Space, 352 Van Brunt Street, Brkln.
check it out if you are there ... 

couldn't be truer today ...