
Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father's Day 2024

 i am reflecting on father's day here this morning 
i was lucky to have a good father ...


here he is at 91, still fitting into his army uniform !
and that is his college picture there over his right shoulder 

i recently stumbled onto my funeral speech from 2006 in an old sketchbook
click that one so you can read it ...
as i said above .. he was a good guy, and had a huge influence on me
we did some fishing ... and there he is with my sister, after his fall ..
 i keep some reminders around the office

i hope y'all have a good father's day !

Saturday, June 8, 2024

blog to print ... a woodworker's photo journal

                                  ok, i got a notice recently from the company that translates
my online blog into printed books saying
that they would be ceasing production soon, and if
i wanted anything printed out, i better get on it.

i did, and last week, i received two books, one from 2015 that i had not
previously printed, and one new one with posts from 2019 through 2024 so far.
when placed with my other blog books already printed ,
it makes for quite a stack ... 
about 150 pages per half inch ... 5.5" x 150 ... 1850 pages?  really? 
the Shaker Design book is 228 pages

  so, there you have it, 17 years of blogging

     957 posts. 2,276,730 page views

       one more post coming soon!

a few  of our favorite blog posts at this link
and a not so brief history of Dorset
Custom Furniture at this link 
below from john mcphee, tabula rasa, in the new yorker
click the photos to enlarge them ...