
Sunday, January 15, 2012

the year in pictures ... 2011

at my age, 64.5 years, i think that most people would agree, time accelerates (is it already the 15th of january?), memory becomes less able, and when we think back, we sometimes wonder, 'where did last year go'? so, for the last 3 years i have collected relevant (to me) photos in folders on my computer appropriately called '2011', or '2010' or 'recent work 2009'. this morning i uploaded the 2011 folder to my picasa account and it is now online and i can access my photos from anywhere with an internet connection. looking through it, i might have included too many pictures but it makes me realize that the year was actually full of life, full of work, and full of important moments. if you are a new reader, there are dates attached to some of the groups of photos showing the relevant blog post, which, if you are interested, you can access through the archives of my blog.

if you are interested in how to create online slide shows for your ownself and don't have an easily accessible young person, i wrote a blog post back in december of 2010 with instructions for downloading picasa and uploading your pictures ...

it's a beautiful sunny winter day and i am outta here ... on to 2012 ...


  1. Thanks Dan, was trying to figure out a way to share some travel pic slide shows and talk about design inspiration and voila, you made a post about it.

  2. I enjoyed reading through your blogs Dan. Nice work! I particularly like the incorporation of steel in some of your pieces.
