
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

a claro walnut slab table

add another one to the list ... we sent this one to shelter island last week.  and jim, who made the delivery, says that this table has 'the best view of any we've made'.  that's quite a tall statement, but he was there, and i wasn't, so i'll have to take his word for it.  anyway, we started with the slab above, and ended with the table below.
with a bit of back and forth in between.
do we cut of the 'swell'?  no .. it's got some really cool grain going on there.
do we fill the cracks?  yes, no, maybe, no ... we used this one as an inspiration.  we made it in 2011 and didn't fill the cracks.  never had a complaint.   i'm glad we left them.  in the end, they were really cool and kind of sculptural..  but how do we stabilize them?  how about some butterflies on the bottom of the table, like below.  that worked ..
below with the legs still in the 'bright polished' phase ..

and now with the bronze patina ...

 the polished cracks ... no crumbs will stick in there .
 and with the reinforcing 1" tubing structure to bolster the thin  slab and give it some rigidity ... that worked great . this, below, from the client

"Hi Dan, We loooooove the table. I will call you  tomorrow. Just got back from beach and am wiped out. Thanks and best regards, Joanne"

all for now ...


  1. The post is showing the makeover of dresser. Good post!

    MDF Boards

  2. Gorgeous. So much to look at. How thick did the slab finally finish at, and how deep were the bow ties underneath?

  3. the slab finished at about 1.25". the keys for the cracks on the bottom were about 1/2" thick ... for more claro walnut tables see the 'categories' off to the right there. we have made at least 20 of these tables

  4. This definitely looks like a piece of art. Truly out of box design. Was searching online for rent dining room furniture when i stumbled upon this blog.

  5. This is so prety!! I've been looking for custom wood furniture in New York, New York for our studio aparment. We are going for a rustic look.

  6. I love your work! I like that you kept the split in the wood. I wish I could find some custom built furniture in Vancouver that looks like this!
