
Monday, November 17, 2008

July/August Vermont Magazine

The current issue of Vermont Magazine has a really nice article about a wonderful house in Stowe, Vermont. It was designed by a Canadian architect, James Strasman and built in the mid 90's by Mary and Jim Connacher. Their vision was to round up some Vermont Furniture makers to supply the furnishings for their new house. They went around the state, visiting and designing, and I was one of the lucky furnituremakers selected for the project. Here are a couple of pages from the Vermont magazine article. The photos are by Carolyn Bates. The issue, I think, is still on the newstands. The house was also featured in Architectural Digest shortly after it was completed and that article was great as well. The photos from that article, naturally, were more about the architecture and if I can find my issue, I'll post a couple of those. Click the photos to enlarge ...
The Cover
Cover article title page
The room divider piece we made
Rick Schneider's stairway
A list of the makers

Garrett Hack's Sideboard
The images below are from an article in the November 1997 Architectural Digest with Syvester Stallone on the cover..
The architects name was JamesStrasman
Showing the main room from the opposite direction ... This shot also includes a half round table we made along the wall on the left
Our sideboard, Charles Shackleton's bench and Rick Schneider's stairway ...


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