
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Another Update on the Recycled Oak Table`

As soon as we get the approval on the most recent finish samples we sent to the client, we'll get this table into the finishing process ... Trevor used the end grain from a cutoff to make the patches, a nice touch .... Click the pictures to enlarge them ...

Here's a close up of the angle iron we used to help hold the table flat across its width where it was cut to insert the leaf. Traditionally, we run the grain the grain the short way on our expanding tables, but this client wanted the wood grain running the long way since she plans to use the leaf only occasionally ... It presented this design/engineering challenge, but we all like the way the top looks with the long, matched grain ...

Except for a couple of patches in the top and some aprons on the leaf, we finished construction on the recycled oak table (see post below).

Need some aprons on the leaf

this picture shows the steel and the Watertown runners on the underside of the top .. It's a heavy one ...

We weren't sure about the mismatched grain and the breadboards on the leaf until we saw it all together today. With the recycled lumber, it all seems to make perfect sense ...

This is the jig Trevor made to taper the 3" legs on the bandsaw ...All for now until we get final approval on the finish samples ...


  1. The recycled Oak tables are very good for reuse. They are just wonderful for cheap decoration.

    outdoor furniture

  2. Lots of furniture assembly is really fantastic to look. Keep it up
