
Friday, May 24, 2013

open studio 2013

here we go again  ... vermont open studio weekend.  year 21.  i missed a few in the late 90's when we were building and moving, but typically, we're there, opening our doors and welcoming the public into our freshly cleaned workspaces.  it should be called spring cleaning weekend, at least here at dorset custom furniture.  click the photos to enlarge them ...
here we are, thursday at 5 pm.  looks ok, but, man, when you start to move stuff around, it is unbelievable the dust and clutter lurking, like everywhere.
 two truckloads to the dumpster and a totally full pickup for our wood scrap collector ... jim is tackling some seldom seen areas behind the shapers ...
 and here's trevor, at around 11 am, attacking the cnc area.  dan starts to freak out ... we'll never be done !
 sam and jen around 2:30, and the shop is starting to come together
 we set up the claro walnut table that recently returned from a gallery show in massachusetts.
 detail of the table above
 and will was excused from morning clean up to fit and hang the doors and install the hardware on this cool claro walnut credenza .. we got rid of a lot of small claro cutoffs making the veneers for this one. we did make him vacuum the office in the afternoon.
 and he'll have some banjo stuff to see.  this one is gone,  but there will be others, both finished and in process
6/22/2014 .. for photos of 20 more banjos visit will's website at
and sam cleaned the metal shop ... the new metal shop construction will get under way soon.
 and all these pieces have some sam mosheim metalwork on them .. all for sale ... memorial day clearance sale in process ...
  and kit and penny viscusi are ready for visitors in the finish room ... actually, in the end, we were more organized, and we finished setting up earlier than usual.  come on by if you're in town .. saturday and sunday, 10-5 both days ... lots to see ...

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