
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

drawing and thinking with michael graves

there was a great little essay by michael graves in the sunday times this week ... in it, mr. graves visits one of my favorite themes, drawing as thinking, which i have written about myself here. it is, in many folks' thinking, an integral part of the creative and communicative process. it is, if i had to pick one, the thing that enables us, as a team, to do what we do. the back and forth sketching, the doodling in our spare time ... the communicative sketch, it's all part of it ...
you can click the photos above and below and read it here, but if you don't mind seeing about a thousand ads, the first link above takes you to the new york times website, where you can read it much more easily ...
mr. graves has also written other pieces on the subject, and here is a link to a nice slideshow of his drawings, with comments, that i encountered online while writing this post ... and here's another link to some of my 'spare time' drawings that sometimes lead to new furniture designs ...

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