And what a grand porch it was ... I was thinking the coffee table might be tight, but instead, it couldn't have been any smaller for the sclae of the porch ... perfect!

I'm working with some friends/clients on furniture for their porch. It's a beautifu, spaciousl porch on a grand old home and we want to do it justice without filling it up so much that it feels crowded. I fooled around with a couple different layouts in my cad program and now that we have finished the chairs, we're working on a size and shape for the coffee table. Fortunately , the client had stopped by last week just as the table/desk shown in a recent post was leaving and happened to get a good view of it just before we loaded it up. She had seen the wood at Open Studio back in May and coincidentally I had the smallest of the three slabs still on hand. The porch is longer than my finish room, but I had enough room to layout and mockup the business part where most of the furniture will go in full size, including the slab for the coffee table. We set it up on some scrap plywood that was a little shorter than I would have designed it, but it turned out it that lower was perfect. Good for feet, can also double as a bench, emphasizes the horizontal length of the seating layout and does a good job of standing up to the overall space of the porch ... Looks like it'll work, and totally reinforces the concept of mocking things up in full size WHENEVER YOU CAN cause they always look different in person than they do on paper or in your mind's eye. No substitute for the real thing, the real size, AND the real height. Taping it out on the floor just won't do .... Check it out ... Click the pictures to enlarge them ...

The actual porch

First Layout

Final Layout

The chairs in the shop ... 4 fixed, two rockers ... The real cushions will be ready next week
I like the design of the chairs; they're almost an art deco take on the original Morris chair. What kind of finish are you going to use on them?
We used Penofin hardwood exterior oil ... It took a while to dry and has very little shine, but 'everyone' says 'it's the best' ... we'll see. Having covers for all the stuff will certainly help ....
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