Show's over ... It was good to see the smiling faces. People were happy, but not throwing money around exactly. I met a few folks who qualified as 'potential clients'. My friend Charley Shackelton said, 'It's like fishing. You never know when you're going to catch the big one'...
Anyway, it's good to get out once in a while ... network a little and see what other people are up to. I had enough good conversations and met enough interesting people there to make it worth the (considerable) effort. So ... here are some pictures of the Guild's booth ...


It's that time of year again .... Time for the Vermont Wood Manufacturers fall fruniture show in Woodstock, Vermont ... I participated in the Guild of Vermont Furnituremakers booth last year and plan to have some stuff there again this year .... Come on by if you get a chance. There are about 40 exhibitors and there will be lots to see .... Click the pictures to enlarge them .... I plan to finish an indoor version of the steel sculpture pictured above ....

Two beautiful matched curly cherry boards

and offer this cherry and steel dining table for sale

I think my bench will be 'finiished'

If I have room, I'll take my redwood console

and the banjo that Will and I finished recently ...

Last years Guild of Vermont Furniture Makers booth
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