Will put the inlays in the edges of the tops today ... He first sliced them with a thin kerf Makita 6" blade on the table saw, then sanded the edges slightly and in they went ..

First Will trued up the 8 degree angles with a fixed block on the edge sander ...

Brushed a coat of glue into the channel and taped them into place ... They are cut just thick enough to be raised from the surface of the edge of the table so the tape puts a little pressure on them. He'll sand them off in the morning and start finishing the tops. The bit is hard to find in your typical lumber yard but here's the number and maker .. click the picture to enlarge it ... Go to your favorite online router bit store and type in the name and number ...

Home stretch ... Drawers and finish ...
I've been watching the half round build with interest. Q: How did you blacken the legs and what woods did you use? Can you recommend other methods of ebonizing woods? Max
Hi Max ... The legs in this case were blackened by painting them with Old Fashioned Milk Paint , Pitch Black. they have a good website and I have been using their paints for years. We always raise the grain with aniline dye and restain in case we sand through the paint ... Sand it with 600, then buff it with steel wool and a clean paper towel, hit it with a coat of oil and you're all set. you can also use latex paint, or blacken walnut as described in my blog post of september 1st .. scroll down to the mirrors ... dan
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