I'm working on a project with a builder friend I worked for in the 70's, before I started my career as a custom furniture maker. You might recognize the screened in porch on the right from
a previous post or two I wrote earlier this year. The house is an amazing project, filled with nothing but quality details and extraordinarily high quality carpentry, and in fact, extraordinary work by all the trades it takes to make a house like this come together. The site is secluded, yet in the center of town, with a beautiful pond and large front field. The builder has been taking and sending photos with his iphone, and today he asked if I would mind wandering around the house to take some photos for his clients who haven't been able to get to the site in person for a while. So, readers, you get a brief tour of some fine architecture and a high quality house in the making ... Click the photos to enlarge them ...

The stone guys were working on setting the patio bluestones when I arrived ..

It's a cut and fit puzzle project with flagstone from Pennsylvania ..

By the time I left they were sweeping up and things were looking crispy ...

View of the great room from the Southeast corner ...

Back the other way ... We're currently working on a 16' island cabinet that will sit just about where the long workbench is in the center of the photo ... more on that later ...

This is the library off the great room ... It will be floor to ceiling shelves when it's completed.

The shelf bases are in and Scott and Steve are trimming the windows ...

There is a fine, well lit room above the garage ...

and someone made a lot of trips up this ladder to trim the windows in the clerestory.

Windows on the South side of that room ...

Nothing but neat and precise carpentry
everywhere I looked ...

The master bath ...

The room paneling reflected in the mirror.

Built ins in the master ...

You can just see the pond in the windows to the left of the built ins on the west wall ..

Bookshelves outside the master

The upstairs hall ...

The pantry is ready to paint ...

And the back door area ...

The back porch and the screened porch ..

We made and installed the screens and cut
the material for the eliptical arch framing ...

From the outside ...
All for now ...
This is stunning. Thank you for taking the time to share the images with us. It's amazing what can be learned from seeing homes of this caliber being built. What fun it must be to be apart of the process. Thanks!
Thanks so much for shooting these photos. And thank you for your contributions to this project. It's always great to get the best craftspeople in the region to work together to create a lasting legacy. Mark Breen is an outstanding builder, with a crew that is thoroughly committed to excellence. Combine that with a shop of craftsmen like yours; Painter, Jim Carter; Millworker, John Maynard; Wood-turner, JoHannes Michelsen; Landscape Architect,Ray Smith; and the guys from Brickworks, and you really get something remarkable. I'm looking ofrward to seeing what the folks from Gauthier Stacey do for the furnishings!
Exceptional. Looking forward to seeing that island you are working on.
What kind of wood is used for the flooring in the screen porch?
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