I've been writing about the woodworking shop, the metal shop, the music, the yard and garden and there's one thing I haven't written about yet except in a few scattered mentions, Kit's jewelry. She's been making stuff like the items pictured for years now but no longer has a website, she doesn't much like sitting at the computer. You can however, get an idea of the various styles that she is known for from the photos below. She finished the necklaces and earrings above today. They are made from Nova Scotia beach stones in the style of Turin, a famous 20th century jeweler. One of her clients supplied the stones and will be taking the finished items back to Nova Scotia with her for her friends and clients there. Anyway, if you are interested or have a project you'd like to discuss, give her a call at 802-867-0139. She also does fabulous repairs and can do amazing reconfigurations of your antique jewelry ... Clever gal ... Click the photos to enlarge them ...

Knitted cuff bracelets

Silver and Malachite

Opals, I think