11/3/16 .. all in, all done .. ready to deliver early next week
see below for start to finish ...
the raw slab, marked out for cutting, above ..
10/28 .. first coat of finish on the top
the raw, sandblasted, water jet cut steel parts before polishing and the black patina ..
the raw, sandblasted, water jet cut steel parts before polishing and the black patina ..
the legs have been blackened now, and we'll be putting it all together monday or tuesday ...
this top is another slab table from the maple log i picked up recently ...

cutting it down to 93" to fit the space ... same base as the last one ...
it had some cracks and defects, and we'll be adding walnut butterflies to the large crack at the far end.
i missed a photo here where we had gone around all the cracks with green tape before we poured the
clear epoxy fill .. you can just see one piece of tape that was left in the near right corner.
it's gray now from sanding, but the larger areas will be water clear when they are polished and finished.
it takes a couple pours, and this was the final one ... west systems epoxy ...